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cripe roadwarrior

"Cripe woud build a guitar and bring it to me with this big grin on his face, this look of anticipation, eyes wide open and ask me, “Alright Hal, tell me, does it play?” So I’d plug it in and play it. And every one of them, for a guy who didn’t play guitar, he built the greatest playing guitars in the world. I mean, they were setup and ready to go. Every one of them would just play wonderfully. He never really knew until that moment. He’d always be so happy. He nailed it every time."
—Hal Hammer, Jr
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Emulating Modulus
“Cripe was very happy with the shape of these guitars because it was a much different animal than the design that Doug Irwin inspired.”
—Pat O’Donnell, Resurrection Guitars
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cripe honoring irwin

Honoring Doug Irwin
Commenting on Garcia's debuting of Lightning Bolt with the Grateful Dead: “From the audience it looked like an Irwin, with its distinctly sculpted dog-ear horns and dark body.”
—Jon Sievert, Guitar Player, December 1995
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cripe acoustic

“Inspired, he’s now getting more into lutherie and has built three acoustic guitars (with bolt-on necks) and is working on a semi-hollow electric.”
—Baker Rorick, Guitar Shop, December 1995
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